Fastrack a Whiplash Claim!

The term ‘whiplash’ describes a range of injuries to the neck, back, and shoulder areas predominantly. It is most commonly associated with Road Traffic Accidents – these don’t have to be horrendous accidents to cause whiplash, minor accidents can also cause this type of injury as well. Whiplash is caused by abrupt jerking of the body either forwards, backwards or even sideways!

Symptoms of Whiplash

Common symptoms of whiplash can include:

  • Pain, aching and stiffness to the neck, back and shoulders
  • Pain or numbness in arms and hands
  • Sensory disturbance – which can include pins and needles, ringing in ears or blurred vision
  • Dizziness
  • Difficulty concentrating or remembering
  • Irritability
  • Sleep disturbances
  • Fatigue

Can I make a Claim?

In order to make a claim for personal injury, there must be a link between the accident, the injury and any loss. Firstly, the accident must have caused the injury sustained and / or secondly, that injury must have caused you to suffer loss in some way. Loss can include loss of earnings, loss of use of a vehicle, claims for extra care and assistance and any other losses incurred as a result of the injury. This link is usually made with medical reports.

An independent medical consultant will create a report diagnosing your injuries and estimating how long your symptoms will last. This is vital as your claim is largely valued on the severity of the injury and the length of time symptoms have lasted.

The Next Steps…

If you want to pursue a whiplash claim, the best thing to do would be to contact us immediately for free legal advice about your potential claim. The sooner we can get you referred to an independent medical consultant, the better. We are specialists in personal injury claiming and we will do our upmost to get you the maximum sum of compensation you deserve.

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