Rear End Collision Accidents

Have you been injured in a rear end collision? Whether you were stationary or moving, rear end collision accidents can cause both serious and minor injuries. It is a well known fact that if you are hit from behind by another driver, then you would have a very strong claim, as in most circumstances there would have been nothing you could have done to prevent the accident from happening.

It also indicates that the driver behind you failed to drive with due care and attention, quite possibly because they were either travelling too fast or too close to your car.

If this has happened to you, unless you slammed your brakes on with no particular reason, or if you braked to avoid hitting an animal smaller than an average size dog (as a rough idea), then it is almost guaranteed that you would have a claim against the other driver who crashed into you.

As the nights draw in and the weather gets colder, unfortunately these type of accidents become more and more common when snow and ice become present on our roads. Extreme weather conditions like this are used as an excuse for rear end collision accidents. People are likely to suggest there was nothing they could have done; instead claiming that they skidded on a patch of black ice causing them to collide into the back of another vehicle. But really, weather conditions are no excuse for rear end collision accidents.

If a person has chosen to travel in such conditions then it goes without saying that they owe a duty of care to other road users and pedestrians nearby, and that extra caution and time should be allocated for their journey.

So, if you have been injured in a rear end collision accident, however minor or serious your injuries are, it is almost guaranteed that you would have a road accident claim. What’s more, you should be able to also claim for vehicle damage and losses too. So give us a call today on our free accident helpline to chat to a qualified advisor to see how you can claim!

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