Accident in Asda? Advice from The Injury Lawyers

Love them or hate them, supermarkets are an accident hotspot, and our expert team here at The Injury lawyers are more than used to getting calls from people wanting to start a claim for personal injury compensation having had an accident in Asda.

So what are your rights when it comes to making a claim for compensation from Asda? Is it even possible to take on one of the largest supermarket giants in the world?

Well this article is here to put your mind at ease – because we are here to fight for your rights to claim!

Can you claim?

Common scenarios where you can make a claim for personal injury compensation include:

  • Slipping on a liquid or food product on the floor.
  • Tripping over a hazard in an aisle, whether it’s something dropped from a shelf or a container staff are using for stock replenishment.
  • Being hit by a falling object – like stock from a shelf.
  • Tripping over a hazard in the car park, or slipping on ice.
  • Being hit by a cage due to an employee of Asda not paying enough attention.
  • Injury caused by a product purchased – Asda as the seller can still be liable.

The Occupiers Liability Act is an important piece of legislation that puts a duty on Asda to take all reasonable steps to prevent any of their customers being injured in one of their stores or on their grounds. So if you are injured in any of the circumstances above, or in any other circumstances, and the accident wasn’t your fault, you may have a winning claim for compensation.

Will I win my claim?

It all depends on whether we can prove that Asda are in breach of health and safety law in causing your accident. Evidence can be very important. They could prove that they have taken reasonable steps by having systems of inspection and maintenance or deploying signs and / or cordons to warn customers of a hazard.

So the following can help prove your claim and smash through any potential defence Asda may try and come up with:

  • Reporting the matter immediately in store and completing an Accident Report Form.
  • Requesting CCTV evidence be retained as this could prove your claim. As they say – the camera never lies! Most places will get rid of footage after just a few weeks so start your claim right away and let us take the steps necessary to make sure footage is kept safe.
  • Take photos of any hazards if possible.
  • Seek medical attention as soon as you can.

Making a claim is easy – No Win, No Fee and 100% Compensation

It’s very easy to start a claim with The Injury Lawyers. For most cases all we need to do is complete a Claim Notification Form and submit this to Asda directly and the claim is started. This can all be done in one quick and easy phone call.

It’s No Win, No Fee – so if the claim doesn’t win you won’t be landed with a hefty legal bill as we only take a claim on if we think we can win.

And we still offer 100% compensation for claims against Asda even though the law has changed and most other lawyers will now take up to 25% from your payout! So to keep every penny of what is rightfully owed to you, call our free claims helpline on 0800 634 75 75 today.

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