Skidding Accidents – Injury Lawyers Advice

As the weather gets colder, the roads are set to become more and more dangerous as Britain is (apparently) going to be facing one heck of a winter. That means ice on the roads making driving conditions perilous, and snow that will probably bring our country to an unnecessary standstill as it always seems to do!

Anyone who is a capable driver knows to take extra care in icy and snowy conditions because skidding is a real risk. If you hit a patch of ice, you will very likely lose control of your vehicle and regaining control of it may be completely impossible.

Skidding accidents are therefore very, very common. And our expert team here at The Injury Lawyers are more than used to dealing with accidents caused by vehicles losing control in icy / snowy conditions.

So can you make a claim for personal injury compensation caused by a skidding accident?

Skidding is no excuse

If a driver causes an accident with you because they lost control of their vehicle and skid in to a collision, the weather cannot normally be used as an excuse at all. As I said earlier, we all know to take extra care. So if someone skids in to the back of you, or perhaps skids out from a side road in to your vehicle, it’s likely it’s down to the driver at fault not paying the extra due care and attention applicable to the weather conditions.

Another very common scenario is drivers skidding on a bend and veering on to your side of the road, causing a head on or side smash collision.

So if someone has skidded in to you, you should have a winning claim for a car accident compensation if you are injured as a result.

What can you claim for?

It’s likely you will be suffering from whiplash as a result of a car accident, and skidding accidents can be the cause of fairly serious whiplash injuries. The reason for this is that most accidents involve an element of the driver at fault at least applying the brakes to prevent a collision but failing to do so. But a skidding vehicle is unlikely to be able to brake at all and may well hit you with a considerable amount of force.

You are commonly entitled to claim for:

  • The pain and suffering caused by the injury itself, which is normally based on the length and severity of the suffering.
  • Vehicle repair or replacement.
  • Lost earnings from time off of work.
  • Travel expenses to and from appointments for medical care or treatment.
  • Any other losses or expenses caused by the accident or injuries.

Private Medical Care

As I said earlier, these types of impacts can be rather forceful leading to more severe whiplash injuries. It’s highly likely you may need some medical care to help you recover from the injury in the shortest possible time, which is why we can offer private medical care as part of your claim.

The costs of this are all charged to the insurers of the driver at fault, so you don’t lose out on any of your payout for having the treatment. Insurers are there not just to compensate you but to also help you to get better as quickly as possible.

If you need treatment, it is recommended you have it as soon as possible.

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