How Much is My Whiplash Claim Worth?

This is kind of like asking “how long is a piece of string“, I’m afraid. But here are some quick facts and some important warnings you need to read about whiplash claims for personal injury compensation:

  • Insurers will normally offer between £500 to £1,500 if you try and deal directly and / or without medical evidence.
  • Statistically, the average minor whiplash claim settles for £2,500 with a solicitor.
  • Research has proven that claiming with a lawyer means you generally get up to four times more compensation. So don’t deal directly with insurers!
  • Most people will fall within the legal bracket of a minor whiplash and this bracket is generally between £1,000 – £5,000.

Valuing a Whiplash Claim

In reality, this is what you need to know about valuing a whiplash claim for compensation:

  • The value of your claim for whiplash injury compensation can only be properly confirmed using expert medical evidence. Not a report from your doctor; not an estimate from an insurer – a proper medico-legal report.
  • Only a qualified personal injury lawyer is best placed to maximise your whiplash compensation claim.

So the question shouldn’t be “How much is my whiplash claim worth?” It should be “How do I get the most amount of compensation for my whiplash injury!”

So using the information above, get a lawyer, get a medical report, and settle the claim for the true maximum valuation. In the absence of any of the above, you are at serious risk of under settling a claim; and once it’s settled, it’s settled! You can’t normally go back for more when you realise you have been too hasty and have been cheated out of thousands of pounds.

What’s the maximum amount?

It all depends on the length and severity of your suffering. The more you suffer, the more we get for you. The more losses and expenses you incur, the more we get for you.

I settled my whiplash claim for £6,500. I would never have got this had I have dealt with the insurers directly. In fact, my first offer (from memory) was in the region of £4,000. I got more because The Injury Lawyers fought for a higher payout. Many solicitors will simply accept the first offer or accept any offer within the rough brackets of how much an injury is worth. But we will always “fight as hard as possible” to get the most for your claim!

Oh – and how long is a piece of string? Twice the length from the middle of-course…

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