Injured at Work by Faulty Equipment Claims Advice

Have you been injured at work due to faulty or unsuitable equipment that was used within your workplace? If so, you may be entitled to make a work injury claim for compensation!

The Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations 1998, or often abbreviated to (PUWER), states that companies or people who own work equipment, or even operate or have control over this, have a duty to ensure that the equipment is suitable and safe for the intended use. As well as this, it is also a duty to make sure that the equipment is only used by people who have the adequate training and information to operate, and that whilst doing so, they must be accompanied by the required and suitable health and safety measures and in accordance with the specific requirements for that particular piece of equipment.

What sort of work equipment does this include?

This includes work equipment that comes under the category of any sort of machinery, tools, or apparatus used within the workplace. This, understandably, can cover a very wide range of things that are used in the workplace. To be more specific of the way in which it is used, PUWER states that any activity that involves the action of ‘starting, stopping, programming, setting, transporting, repairing, modifying, maintaining, servicing and cleaning‘ is classed as using the work equipment.

What if I use mobile work equipment instead?

If this applies to you, then the regulations of PUWER would most definitely still apply. If you are using mobile work equipment, then it is the duty of your employer to ensure that the equipment is suitable for the purpose that you are using it for, and that adequate measures are taken to minimise all risks and hazards which could potentially happen when the equipment is in use.

So, if you believe that your employer has not followed the guidance of The Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations 1998, causing you to have an accident and sustain injury because of this, then give The Injury Lawyers a call today for free, no obligation advice on how you can claim the compensation for your injury.

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