Tripped over Wires on the Ground at Work? Make a Claim Today!

Common sense would dictate that wires should never be in places where people could trip over them – i.e. traffic routes, or generally where people will need to access. So what happens if you do trip over wires at work and you are injured as a result? Are you entitled to make a work injury compensation claim?

Your Rights

Your employer has to abide by a lot of health and safety rules and regulations that are designed to protect employees from being injured in the line of duty. When it comes to tripping claims, The Workplace (Health, Safety and Welfare) Regulations 1992 has a specific section dedicated to the condition of floors. Regulation 12 (3) states:

So far as is reasonably practicable, every floor in a workplace and the surface of every traffic route in a workplace shall be kept free from obstructions and from any article or substance which may cause a person to slip, trip or fall. (legislation)

The above is quite clear – no floor must have anything on it that could cause a person to trip; so wires should never be on the ground.

So if wires are left to trail across the ground, or even if a colleague was negligent and caused the wires to be there, you may have a winning claim for personal injury compensation.

How does a claim work?

Its dead simple – for most claims we submit the claim information electronically to your employer or their insurers for the insurers to deal with. They investigate the case and either accept or dispute liability. As long as we can prove that they are in breach of the above regulation, they should accept liability.

We then obtain a medical report from an independent expert and settle the claim based on the severity and length of your suffering and we make sure to recover any losses and expenses for you as well.

How much does it cost to claim?

With The Injury Lawyers, we work on a genuine No Win, No Fee basis and we offer our clients 100% compensation for work accident compensation claims.

Most other lawyers will take 25% from your claim if you win, due to recent legal fee reforms, and may ask for payment of insurance upfront as well. But we do not!

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