Falling Down a Manhole Accident Claim – Injury Lawyers Advice

Whilst this may seem like a hilarious thing to witness, falling down a manhole is no laughing matter at all. We take on a lot of these types of claims from either missing covers or damaged covers that collapse inwards when stepped on. No one expects the cover to just cave in.

The injuries that a person can sustain can be serious – particularly if you fall part or all the way in. Bone and ligament damage is common in both lower and upper limbs caused by impact trauma, as well as severe lacerations and bodily harm caused when falling down.

A lot of people also struggle to cope emotionally with such an accident. It’s not uncommon for a victim of a manhole accident to be very shaken up both initially after the accident and for a number of weeks or months. We find most victims never walk over a manhole again; but in the dark, you may not know they are there.

So if you are the victim of a manhole accident and you want to make a claim for personal injury compensation, you’re coming to the right lawyers if you instruct us to represent you for your case. Here’s what we can do for you.

The Injury Lawyers Service to You

  • For manhole accidents, we offer a 100% compensation agreement even though the law changed and other lawyers will deduct 25% from your payout. There are no upfront or hidden fees either – you keep every penny of your claim.
  • It’s No Win, No Fee – so there’s no risk in getting in touch with us for making a claim. If you don’t win, we write off our legal fees.
  • We can fund private medical care if you need treatment following the injury. We will get this paid for by the responsible party. If the claim loses, we can get it recovered from insurance.
  • You can claim for your physical injuries, psychological injuries, and any losses caused – such as lost earnings or medication expenses. We will always make sure to maximise what you can claim for.

What’s the claims process?

In most instances it’s nice and easy – we need to submit something called a Claim Notification Form to whoever is responsible for the manhole. Now, it may be a little difficult to tell who is responsible as it may not be the council and may be a utilities company. If it is, we will normally submit it to the council and they will either confirm it is them who need to defend the claim so they will tell us who we should be claiming from. If it’s someone else, we simply resubmit the claim to them.

We will organise an appointment with a specialist expert to write a report for us that we will use to value your claim and assess if we need to look at any further medical investigation or treatment. You can talk through with them how this has affected you, including if it has affected your confidence, and this can be detailed in the report. The purpose of this report is to show the extent of your suffering so we can make sure you receive the maximum amount of compensation you are allowed to receive.

For a free, no obligation chat with the experts in injury law, call us now on 0800 634 75 75 and we’ll see if we can help you.

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