Had an Accident in Sainsbury’s? You May be Able to Claim Compensation!

Like other large retailers, Sainsbury’s have insurance that people just like you can claim from in the event you are injured in one of their stores. Whether it’s a superstore or one of the many Sainsbury’s Local stores around the UK, we as a specialist firm of personal injury lawyers can help you to claim.

Can you claim?

Common examples of accidents in a Sainsbury’s store are:

  • Slips on liquid or food (such as fruit) or other spilled products on the floor
  • Trips on products that have fallen on the floor, or trips over boxes or crates or general stock left in aisle ways
  • Trips due to potholes or other defects in car parks
  • Injuries caused by the negligent actions of a Sainsbury’s employee – such as being hit by a trolley or stock cage being used by an employee

If you are injured and it wasn’t your fault, you may be eligible to make a claim for personal injury compensation. In order to successfully claim, Sainsbury’s must have breached the important duty of care they have for you when using their store. They are duty bound by the Occupiers Liability Act to take all reasonable steps to ensure you are not injured.

One way they could take reasonable steps would be to have systems of inspection and maintenance to look out for and make safe any hazards that appear. If we can show that they have failed to take such steps, that’s when we can make a successful claim for compensation.

What to do

It’s good to report the accident when it has happened. If you are reading this having had an accident and you’re yet to report it, it would be a good idea to contact the store and complete a report with them.

Photos of a defect or hazard can be useful as well.

It’s a good idea to make a claim as soon as possible because there may be vital CCTV footage that may have captured your accident and the events leading up to it. Sainsbury’s may have a good system of inspection on paper, but CCTV could potentially show how long a defect has been present for, and as such whether or not Sainsbury’s have taken all reasonable steps to prevent an accident.

100% Compensation and No Win, No Fee

For a claim for compensation against Sainsbury’s from one of their stores, or as an employee, we will offer a full No Win, No Fee service (read more on this here) if we feel you have a good enough chance of winning the claim. We also still offer 100% compensation agreements even though the law changes in April 2013 which means most other lawyers won’t offer you a 100% agreement.

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