Health and Safety – Trailing Wires Compensation Claims

Wires – an obvious tripping hazard that can cause serious injuries if a person lands hard on the ground having tripped over wires, or getting their foot caught and falling due to trailing wires. When it comes to public places in general, there is always a duty to make sure that there are no tripping hazards so there should never be trailing wires.

In an office where it is workers that are often covered by important workplace health and safety regulations, trailing wires can easy lead to an employer being liable to compensate an employee.

There is a specific regulation dedicated to traffic routes, with a key section that reads as follows:

(3) So far as is reasonably practicable, every floor in a workplace and the surface of every traffic route in a workplace shall be kept free from obstructions and from any article or substance which may cause a person to slip, trip or fall.

So, leaving trailing wires in walkways and workplaces in general is contrary to the responsibility an employer has to take all reasonable and practicable steps, as the legislation states, to prevent a tripping hazard.

So if you are the victim of a tripping hazard in the workplace that is caused by trailing wires, it’s likely you can make a claim for personal injury compensation. Your employer has a legal duty to have insurance, and it’s likely they will have to pay you out for a breach of important health and safety rules.

If this has happened to you, call us now for free and friendly advice on 0800 634 75 75. We can normally offer you:

  • A 100% compensation agreement
  • A full No Win, No Fee service
  • Private medical care or treatment if its required
  • The opportunity to get your claim started in one simple phone call without the need to fill in lengthy paperwork.



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