Other Driver Turned in to Your Path? Advice from The Injury Lawyers

So you’re travelling along when suddenly some other driver cuts across you from the other side of the road right in to your path and causes a collision. The bad news is that you probably have damage to the front end of your car which will often result in a write off, and you’re probably going to suffer a whiplash injury. The good news though is that you should have a successful claim for personal injury compensation.

So if this has happened to you, we should defiantly be able to help you out with a No Win, No Fee claim – read on for the info you need.

The Process Explained

If another road user needs to cut across your side of the road, perhaps to turn in to a new road or park at the side of a road or in a driveway, you have the right of way. It is their responsibly to ensure that your side of the road is clear to allow them to safely cross. As such, it sounds like you’re blameless and should be able to make a full claim against the other drivers insurance.

What we need to do is submit something called a Claim Notification Form directly to the insurer of the driver at fault. At the very least, all you need to start a claim is the registration number of both your vehicle and that of the other driver involved. You don’t necessarily need a name, address or contact number. With a reg number, we can search the Motor Insurers Database for their insurance information and submit as claim directly to them.

The insurer will have a period of around 15 working days to confirm they are liable for the claim, which they should do given the circumstances. You may feel fine immediately after the accident, but it’s likely you will end up with neck, shoulder, and back pain which is normally referred to as whiplash. We will send you to see a medical expert who will write a report for us that we can use to justify your injuries and value the claim. We will then gather any information about losses or expenses on your part and include those as part of a case as well.

Don’t feel that you not being able to stop in time means you could be at fault – you have the right of way, so you should have a guaranteed claim for personal injury compensation. Call us for advice on 0800 634 75 75 today.

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