Standard payout for whiplash?

Whiplash claims are fairly common; so many people who start one are often very keen to know how much compensation they may be entitled to receive. So what is the standard payout for whiplash claims? As a firm of lawyers who specialise in all sorts of personal injury claims, including whiplash claims, what can we tell you?

It all depends on the case

It all really depends on the case and how the injury affects you personally. There are a lot of factors to consider, and some people will suffer way more than others. We assess this by getting you seen by a medical expert to do a specialist report for us that we then use to value the claim.

On top of that, we look at what losses you may have incurred and look to recover those as well. This can include things like lost earnings, medical expenses, travel expenses, and costs for care and assistance.

So what’s the average?

Well most people will have what we class as a minor whiplash injury. This is the legal definition, not the general definition from your GP or another doctor. If your GP says you have severe whiplash, that doesn’t mean you fit in the legal category for severe cases which could see payouts of up to £90,000.00!

Suffering for as long as two years can still be defined as a minor whiplash case.

The minor whiplash bracket often attracts payouts in the region of £1,000.00 – £5,000.00. Statistically the average payout can be around £2,500.00.

What can I expect?

Generally speaking, the more you suffer, and the more of an impact the injury has on you, the more we can get for you. We show this using the medical evidence I mentioned above. The value of your claim will largely depend on what this evidence says in relation to the suffering you claim you have endured.

If you’re only suffering a few weeks, the claim is probably worth between £1,000.00 and £2,000.00.

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