Hotel Room Accidents – Injury Lawyers Advice

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Hotel owners have a clear duty to take all reasonable steps to ensure that guests staying on the premises are not injured. Rooms ought to be inspected very frequently given that housekeeping staff will often be in rooms for cleaning and bedding change purposes.

So what are you rights when it comes to making a claim for personal injury compensation if you’re injured in a hotel room?

Circumstances are Important

Whether you have claim or not really boils down to whether there has been negligence on the part of the hotel or the staff. Assessing this is often about identifying what has happened and how it has managed to happen.

Common examples where you may have a claim for personal injury compensation can include:

  • Shelving or other fixtures falling and causing accidents
  • Bedding and chair collapse or break accidents
  • Electric shocks from hotel provided equipment like kettles or hairdryers
  • Trips on uneven surfaces or raised defects / carpet edges
  • Slips in showers or baths due to no rails or mats being provided

We must prove that the hotel has failed to take all reasonable steps to prevent an accident. If they had knowledge, or ought to have had knowledge, of a danger or a defect, you may have a claim. If we can prove that they ought to have known to do more to prevent a hazard and it is reasonable that they should have taken such steps, you can make a claim.

What you should do!

It’s always worth making a claim in my opinion. We work on a No Win, No Fee basis so you don’t lose out if the claim isn’t successful. Although some law firms do have charges with their No Win, No Fee agreements so do be careful!

Getting medical help is of course the first priority, and you would be wise to report the incident and take any necessary photos as evidence. This can help us when making a claim.

We can normally assess on the initial call whether we think you have a claim or not. If we can go ahead with one, we can take instructions there and then to get a claim submitted and started. It’s a fairly easy and simple process with the way that we work.

For help and advice, call 0800 634 75 75.

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