Is it worth making a claim for personal injury compensation?

Many people injured in an accident through no fault of their own wonder whether it is worth their time and effort in making a claim for personal injury compensation. Some will seek compensation from the opponent directly to avoid what they perceive as the ‘hassle’ of going through the proper process.

So let me try and answer this important question for you by looking at some of the pertinent issues to address when considering whether it is worth starting a case.

Is the payout worth it?

Some people who haven’t broken any bones or done anything they think is serious wonder whether it’s worth bothering with at all. Well, whilst we cannot give you a proper valuation right at the start, I can tell you that if you are suffering for a minimum of around four to six weeks, the claim should be worth at least £1,000.

I can say this because we can only represent victims for claims if the claim is worth at least a minimum of £1,000. If it’s worth less, it’s classed as a Small Claims Track matter in which we would not deal with it as we cannot recover legal fees for such cases.

So, the way we generally assess the prospects of recovering our fees is by making sure that the period of suffering is a minimum of four to six weeks as this means that the claim should be worth at least £1,000.

So that can hopefully give you an idea. It doesn’t have to be serious suffering as well.

Is it worth the effort?

There isn’t really a lot of effort on your part to be fair. Well, when it comes to our service and what we offer we can safely say this – although other law firms may put some of the work on you by making you fill our lengthy forms for example. Our simple compensation claims process takes as much of the hassle out of claiming for you as we can.

We normally take all the initial information right at the start. We aim to frontload the claim so as much of the work can be done right at the start. You can then pretty much leave the rest to us. The only attendances you normally have is for a medical appointment and for any treatment that may be recommended.

What will it cost if I lose?

Many lawyers have upfront fees, so there can be risks in starting a claim. However, we fund claims on a genuine no win, no fee basis which means you really do pay nothing if the claim doesn’t win. For the vast majority of cases there are no upfront fees or costs as well.

Some straightforward claims can be over and done with in a few months.

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