Contacting the specialist Daybrook Dental Negligence Team

Have you seen our advert in the local newspaper about the help and advice we are offering former patients of Nottinghamshire dentist Mr Desmond D’Mello?

We’re already representing large numbers of former patients who are seeking advice and justice since finding out that they have been potentially exposed to a serious infection like HIV or Hepatitis B/C. This has all come about since a whistle bower secretly filmed D’Mello ignoring important infection control procedures, resulting in 22,000 former patients being recalled for testing.

We’re keeping our specialist Daybrook Helpline open 24/7. Last weekend saw a serious surge in the numbers of people contacting us for help and advice and we accepted a large volume of claims for people who want justice for what has happened. We’re urging people to contact us as soon as possible for help and advice because we’re bulking the claims and sending off letters on an almost daily basis to the other side.

Normally with cases where there are large numbers of victims, they are grouped together as a ‘Group Litigation Order‘ where thousands of people can claim as one case to adhere to Court rules about efficiency and reducing costs and use of Court time. There are normally cut off points when it comes to joining group actions so we say it’s best to get in touch now for help and advice.

So if you have seen our advert and you’re wondering about what to do, contact us as soon as you can. Whether you want to get the ball rolling now, or whether you just want a little legal advice from our team, we’re here to help.

We are the specialists when it comes to Daybrook Dental Negligence claims – speak to our team on 0800 634 7575 as soon as you can.

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