Laser Eye Surgery gone wrong

Laser eye surgery has been one of the fastest growing forms of high street surgery procedures with thousands of people choosing to go under the knife to have their eyesight restored. When it works the results can be fantastic; but when it doesn’t work the suffering the victim endures can be catastrophic.

So if your laser eye surgery has failed you need to find out if you are entitled to thousands of pounds in compensation – read on for more advice.

When you can make a claim

The eye is a complex area of the body, and as with any form of invasive procedure, laser eye surgery comes with inherent risks. Where you are the victim of an inherent risk that you were fully advised on and were happy to accept, claiming can be hard. We claim when we can prove negligence but if you were an unfortunate victim of an inherent risk it is not easy to win a case.

If you were not properly informed of such risks you may have a claim. With the growing popularity of laser eye surgery, clinics are busy.

Problems that can arise from laser eye surgery gone wrong can be:

  • Blurred vision
  • Foggy vision
  • Reduction in vision quality
  • Problems adjusting vision in darkness
  • Loss of sight (rare)
  • Scarring caused by the incision on the eye

So how do you know when you are the victim of negligence or the victim of an inherent risk?

We as lawyers are here to prove that using expert medical evidence where we can take your claim on using our genuine no win, no fee guarantee service. You may be the victim of negligence where:

  • The incorrect type of lens has been fitted
  • You have suffered due to a surgical mistake
  • You were not suitable for laser eye surgery
  • You were not fully informed of the risks (touched on above)

Need legal advice?

Thousands of victims of cosmetic procedures like laser eye surgery have contacted our lawyers for advice over the many years we have been helping people, and we have recovered millions in compensation for negligence victims. If you need advice we are just a phone call away – 0800 634 7575 is the number you need to dial for a free and informal, no obligation, chat about your options.

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