What compensation can you get for falling down a manhole cover injuring your leg?

Leg injuries are the most common form of injury when you are involved in a manhole accident. We take on and win a lot of claims for personal injury compensation that have been caused by defective, loose, or missing manhole covers, so we can give you some advice about how much you may be able to expect to receive.

One very important thing to note though is this – the true value of the claim is based on medical evidence and the quality of your lawyer. Read on for more advice.

There are a whole host of types of leg injuries that can be caused in a manhole accident so it really is all down to the case itself. We value the claim by instructing an expert medical consultant for you to have an appointment with. You can also claim for losses and expenses, such as lost earnings; travel expenses to and from appointments; cost of damaged property, like trousers; private medical treatment, and many other things.

Let’s look at some of the common types of injuries to give you a rough idea of what the official guidelines say you may be able to claim for:

  • Simple leg fractures and soft tissue injuries to the leg: up to £6,500
  • Simple femur fracture can extend up to £10,000
  • Soft tissue injuries to the knee (such as twisting) or lacerations: up to £9,800

More serious forms of leg injuries can of course be worth much more; when it comes to multiple or compound fractures, dislocations, ruptured ligaments and tendons, or other such injuries, the payouts can be very high.

A lot of it will depend on how badly you are affected from a mobility perspective. If you needed several operations, were unable to bear weight for months, needed loads of treatment etc, then you would be entitled to claim for more.

We as an expert firm of injury lawyers who represent a lot of victims for manhole cover claims are best placed to help you, so give us a call on 0800 634 7575 for help and advice today.

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