Hastings Chemical Alert – 30 treated by emergency services following incident

The BBC reports that a shipping container from China resulted in a chemical incident in Hastings this week that saw 30 people treated by the emergency services following several complaints of irritation caused to the skin, eyes, and throat.

The container was opened and an alert was triggered when staff were exposed to dust that was disturbed inside the shipping crate.

It is thought that the substance may have been a fumigant or a stowaway deterrent, according to the reports, and a spokesman from the fire service confirmed that 30 people underwent decontamination as a precautionary measure.

The building where the incident took place has been secured and will be cleaned.

How do chemical incidents work for a personal injury claim?

We have dealt with many cases for people exposed to dangerous chemicals or substances, with the main cases being work incident claims. In the workplace we have specific rules and regulations that address the control of chemicals and dangerous substances. Employees should not be exposed to any such chemicals or substances that may cause harm to their health.

Where exposure is likely or inevitable, equipment must be provided to employees to protect them from being harmed.

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