Minor accidents at work claims

Accidents at work are a very common occurrence, probably more so than people think. However it goes without saying that a lot of minor accidents at work are often unreported and even ignored.

This is often because employees are scared to make a fuss over such instances.

People often feel that their job may be in jeopardy if they report an injury or even attempt to make a work accident claim. This is actually a common misconception as from our experience many employers are actually fine about you making a claim against their insurance.

It’s important to report any incident within the work place immediately. Employers have to abide by a number of Health and Safety Regulations and it’s vital that these regulations are adhered to by employers to ensure that you have a safe and healthy environment with which to work in.

As a direct result of your accident you may lose out financially as well as being injured. If this is the case then it’s advisable to seek no obligation, FREE legal advice regarding your situation.

Here at The Injury Lawyer we specialise in accident at work claims and will be able to tell you immediately whether you have a claim for compensation.

Your company should have insurance to cover these types of situations!

You shouldn’t in any way feel threatened or scared to make a claim against your employer. In the long run it can only make your work place a safer environment to work in and avoid similar accidents happening in the future.

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