100% Compensation Claims

As of the 1st April 2013 most firms now give you (we believe) 75% compensation.
This is because the law changed on 1st April 2013. The Government in their wisdom introduced legislation which means that the success fee that lawyers charge (when they win a claim as a reward for the risk of taking on a claim on a "No Win No Fee" basis) is no longer recoverable from your opponent.
From our research it seems that most lawyers charge this success fee. Have you not noticed that the adverts for 100% compensation have all but disappeared? This is because most firms are no longer giving 100% compensation but are instead deducting 25% from your compensation for injury and past losses.
Different Law Firms are charging different sums but it does seem that that market has settled on a 25% (Including Vat) deduction from your compensation for injury and past losses. You should read the small print to see exactly what deductions are being made by your personal injury lawyer.
In addition from 1st April 2013 you can no longer recover an After The Event Insurance (ATE) premium from your opponent. The ATE is an Insurance premium that Injury lawyers take out to protect you against the risk of paying your opponents costs and any expenses incurred on your behalf such as experts reports. From our own research it seems most Injury Law Firms are charging you for this ATE premium by deducting it from your compensation at the conclusion of your claim.
Can we give you 100% compensation?
The simple answer is YES, but it is extremely rare that we are able to do so as a result of the changes.
On qualifying claims where we can give you 100% of your compensation, every penny and every pound is entirely yours, so long as you comply with our Terms and Conditions
How is this possible in some cases?
For qualifying claims, we can give you 100% of your compensation without any hidden deductions or charges because we offer not to charge you a success fee, and we can also pay for your ATE premium where we consider insurance is needed to protect your position
Under our "No Win No Fee" agreement, we can also in some cases limit our fees to what we recover from the other side. Unlike most Law Firms, if there is any shortfall in recovering our costs, we agree to write these off.
On qualifying claims, you could get you more compensation by us NOT CHARGING you a success fee or charging you for the Insurance.
Again, it is very rare that we can offer this.
Our 110% Compensation 4U Pledge
From 1st April 2013, to offset the Government reforms, you now also get an extra 10% on top of your compensation for your injury. This 10% increase has been introduced to offset the cost of the success fee and the Insurance premium which are no longer recoverable from your opponent.
So, if you instruct The Injury Lawyers (that's us) on a qualifying claim where we don't charge you a success fee and where we pay for the ATE Insurance policy (where a policy is needed), you get to KEEP ALL 100% of your compensation.
And because (from 1st April 2013) you now get an extra 10% on top of your compensation for your injury, in effect you now get 110% compensation for qualifying cases.
How can we give you ALL of your Compensation in some cases?
One reason is because ALL of our clients COME DIRECTLY to US.
This is one of the reasons why we can give 100% Compensation to our clients in some cases. We don't pay money to marketing companies or to middlemen.
- Find out if you qualify and
- Make sure you INSTRUCT US - CALL NOW 0800 634 7575
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