Accident at work compensation calculator

So you’ve had an accident at work and you want to know how much your claim could be worth. Then you should check out our Accident at Work Compensation Calculator found under the FREE INSTANT VALUATION tab on this page. Just select your injury, answer a few questions and the calculator will text your free valuation intsantly to your mobile or landline mumber. Its as simple as that!

How our accident at work compensation calculator works

The calculator matches the information you enter to the JSB (Judicial Studies Board) Guidelines for your injury. The JSB Guidelines are the official guidelines we expert Injury Lawyers actually use to value claims; so, you’re getting the real brackets and estimates used in real claims.

The downside is that it’s all down to what you enter in to the calculator. For example, you could enter in that you have a minor shoulder injury, when you might actually have a moderate one. There’s no way of knowing the severity of your injury unless you are seen by a medico-legal expert consultant. So, unfortunately, it’s down to your estimation of the injury, which means you could end up getting it slightly wrong.

But, there is a way of finding out the exact amount you are genuinely entitled to receive…

How to accurately value a work accident claim

Whether you have fallen due to your workplace being unsafe, been injured by a piece of equipment, not being provided enough personal protective equipment, or been injured through your employers failing to train you or provide you with adequate assistance, there is only one way to get the guaranteed genuine amount of compensation – and that’s with a fully qualified personal injury lawyer on board.

And that’s the long and short of it. The thing is, to confirm the extent and severity of your injuries for the purposes of valuations with the JSB Guidelines, you need an independent medico-legal expert to assess you at a consultation and provide a medical report to your specialist injury lawyer. Your expert injury lawyer will then do their homework to research and discover how much your claim is worth using a combination of the JSB Guidelines and their unique personal experience in handling claims.

With a proper injury lawyer, you should have no worries guaranteeing the maximum amount of compensation you are entitled to receive. A good injury lawyer will fight tooth and nail to make sure you get the highest possible payout.

And it gets better! If you have concerns about claiming from your employers, read on to find out why it doesn’t make a difference to you and your employment…

Why making a work accident claim is the right thing to do!

Firstly, there is nothing your employer can legally do to adversely affect your employment if you make a claim from them. So, you are legally safe. Secondly, all employers must have employers’ liability insurance in place to cover them for any injuries their employees endure. In all honesty, it’s pretty much the same as compulsory road insurance. We drivers all have to have it; and it exists for the sole purposes of making a claim from in the event we need to.

We often find that many employers are quite happy for their employees to make a claim from their insurance. Like I say, it exists to claim from; and at the end of the day, you have been injured through no fault of your own.

And another great thing is that it covers all of your legal fees – so you can still get 100% compensation; no deductions, no hidden charges.

So fear not! You’re protected, and it’s a perfectly natural and normal process to make a claim for compensation for your work accident.

For more advice, please get in touch! Call 0800 634 7575 today!

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