Train Station Accidents – Injury Lawyers Advice

With people rushing around in an effort to catch their train on time, despite most stations having faster clocks to try and dupe you in to thinking it’s later than it is, it’s no wonder that accidents in train stations are very common. The most common ones are slips and trips, and the Occupiers Liability Act imposes a duty on those in charge of the station to take all reasonable steps to prevent accidents occurring.

The most classic and common accidents are slips and trips

Slips normally occur because water is walked in from rainwater outside, or due to spillages from liquid and food items. In efforts to counter terrorism, most stations do not have bins and many people are too impatient to keep litter on themselves. The result is the floor becoming quite a mess…

So can you make a claim for personal injury compensation if you have an accident in a train station?

You need to prove that those in charge have failed to take all reasonable steps to look out for your health and safety. If they do not have cleaners who regularly tidy the floors, or if they fail to have mats at entrances for example, you may have a claim. It’s important to secure as much evidence as you possibly can to help us build a case for you:

  • Report it – and complete an Accident Report Form and ask for a copy
  • Request that CCTV is viewed and retained – most places don’t keep it any longer than a few weeks
  • See your doctor or go to hospital for a check up
  • Make follow-up complaints and reports to ensure that your accident has been properly recorded and CCTV is being retained. Keep copies of emails you have sent as a record

Next you need to give us a call on 0800 634 75 75 and get a claim started as soon as possible. Unlike other law firms, we are still offering most clients a 100% compensation agreement so you won’t lose out on a penny of what is rightfully yours.

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