Slipped in Supermarket injury claim advice

You might not think that one little grape could cause a person to slip and injure themselves; but believe you me, it can! We take on a lot of cases where people have slipped on a grape (or several grapes) in supermarkets, and they can result in nasty injuries.

Whether you’re lucky enough to escape with some minor bruises and pain as well as a shed load of embarrassment, or whether you twist you knee or back resulting in serious ligament damage, or perhaps break a bone when landing on a hard floor, we can help you make a claim for personal injury compensation on a No Win, No Fee basis. We also still offer 100% compensation as well.

The Law

The specific law that normally covers slipping on a grape in a supermarket is the Occupiers Liability Act. This important piece of health and safety legislation puts an important duty of care on whoever is in control of a premises to take all reasonable steps to ensure you’re not injured.

Whether you have a winning claim or not really depends on whether the supermarket has failed to take all reasonable steps. They could fail to take all reasonable steps in the following scenarios:

  • There are no inspection or maintenance regimes in place.
  • No warning signs are deployed when the hazard is known to the supermarket.
  • There are no policies for staff to clean hazards away when spotted.
  • The supermarket employees fail to spot or rectify the hazard.

If they had no system of inspection for cleaning aisles, we could argue that they have failed to take all reasonable steps to prevent an injury. If the hazard is reported and nothing is done about it, we can also argue they have failed to take reasonable steps.

Will your slipped in supermarket claim win?

Well, unfortunately, if the supermarket can prove that they have taken all reasonable steps, they could successfully defend the claim; and most do have good systems as they are, I imagine, sick of being sued! So you need to be smart about approaching a case, and you need to be smart about who you chose to represent you. As a smart law firm, I’m going to suggest you start with us!

Make the claim as soon as possible so we can formally request that CCTV is retained for the day of the accident. To coin a classic phrase – the camera never lies! What if the supermarket has a good system of inspection, but the grape was missed? It’s easily done – and CCTV could prove how long that grape has been there for.  CCTV is normally only kept for a few short weeks by the supermarket – so don’t miss out on what could be your only piece of evidence to prove you are owed thousands of pounds in compensation.

100% Compensation

Unlike other lawyers who are taking the market rate of 25% from your compensation payout, we will let you keep all 100% of the compensation that you are awarded. So call 0800 634 7575 for expert claim advice today.

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