Fall on an uneven pathway at work claims advice

Did you know that there is a specific regulation that addresses the condition of walkways and traffic routes in the workplace?

You do now! Regulation 12 of The Workplace (Health, Safety and Welfare) Regulations 1992 specifically places a duty on an employer to:

(1) Every floor in a workplace and the surface of every traffic route in a workplace shall be of a construction such that the floor or surface of the traffic route is suitable for the purpose for which it is used.

In fact, the regulations go as far as addressing uneven walkways:

(2) (a) the floor, or surface of the traffic route, shall have no hole or slope, or be uneven or slippery so as, in each case, to expose any person to a risk to his health or safety.

This very important piece of health and safety law gives you the right to claim for work injury compensation if you are injured due to an uneven walkway in the workplace.

Perhaps there is a stretch of uneven and rough ground? Or maybe a walkway has been left to decay and has become uneven and dangerous. Whatever has happened, The Injury Lawyers are more than used to representing people just like you when making a claim for compensation from their employers insurance.

How does it work?

It’s nice and simple – we take all the information we need to complete a Claim Notification Form. We can use our sources to see if we can find out who your employer has insurance with to allow us to submit the claim directly to the insurers. If we can’t get this information, we can submit it directly to your employer and request them to provide the insurance information, or pass the claim details on to them.

We then ask that the insurers investigate liability and accept that they are liable to compensate you. In the meantime, we can organise an appointment with a medical expert to provide a report to us that allows us to value your claim.

If they agree to accept fault, we will look to settle your claim, when ready, using the medical evidence we have obtained.

If this has happened to you, we can offer you 100% of your payout if the claim is successful.

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