8 steps to take after a road traffic accident

If you have ever been involved in a road traffic accident and suffered any form of injury, under UK law you have up to 3 years to make a claim for compensation. Use the following 8 steps guide should you choose to pursue a road traffic accident compensation claim:
Step 1 - Call the Police as soon as possible. Police statements from the scene of an accident can be critical in assessing who was at fault.
Step 2 - If its at all possible get as much information from the other driver such as: name, address, telephone number, insurance details and vehicle registration number.
Step 3 - Its always wise to take pictures of the incident. Most people nowadays have an iPhone or Smartphone to take images or video of the accident scene.
Step 4 - In the instance that no-one at the crash scene has a mobile handy then make it a concern to return back with a camera at the earliest time possible - there may be tyre marks on the road from the incident worth capturing that can help with evidence for your compensation claim.
Step 5 - If there were witnesses at the time of the accident get their details.
Step 6 - Make an appointment with the Hospital or your local G.P. Get any injuries checked by a professional. Its also important to have a medical record to back-up your claim.
Step 7 - Contact a specialist Personal Injury Lawyer with the experience to offer you first class advice on how to process your claim.
Step 8 - Keep any receipts that have found you out of pocket from the car accident. This could be repair bills, medical expenses, travelling expenses etc... If you have lost earnings due to the road traffic accident make sure you inform your personal injury lawyer as this can be claimed back as Special Damages in your claim.
Remember, its always advisable to get the best advice possible regarding any road traffic accident claim. Most reputable Injury Lawyers will never charge for their advice.
Get free, legal advice now!
To find out more information about making an injury claim just submit your details on any of the forms on this page or call 0800 634 7575 for professional advice.