Claim compensation for a burn or scald injury

Claiming for burn injury compensation isn't just about the pain - it's about the long term affects on your life.
Accidental burn and scald injuries can be nasty and can change your life forever. Even in the most minor of cases the long term affects can be significant. Most people who receive a burn injury through no fault of their own have a right to claim compensation for their injury. A huge part of claiming for a burn injury is about compensation for the scars that are left on the skin - it's important to seek help from us, as expert injury lawyers, to guide you and assists with your burn injury case.
What you need to do!
Seek and follow medical advice is always the most important thing for you. Make sure you listen to the guidance and get the help you need to ensure that your pain is minimal, you reduce the likelihood of infections (which are common with burn injuries), and to ensure your skin has the best chance of healing well and reducing the severity of any scarring.
For the purposes of a claim make sure you take regular photos of the injury to show how the scarring develops. Only take photos when you can though - don't remove bandaging prematurely and risk further injury or infection!
Taking regular photos - perhaps daily or weekly - can be really useful because it documents the recovery process. We value your burn injury compensation claim by arranging for a private appointment with a suitably qualified expert, which will normally be a Plastic Surgeon for burn injury cases. If you can show them photos of how your injury has developed, that could help them produce the best report they can that fully supports your case.
How we value your burn injury claim
Burn injury claims are often treated as more serious as they normally cause a great deal of more pain, and will often have a greater impact when it comes to scars both physically and psychologically.
We look at many things, such as:
- The length and severity of the pain caused
- The length and severity of the scarring both in the long and short term
- Where the scarring is on your body and the percentage of the area covered
- The affect such scarring can have on your life cosmetically
- The need for, and extent of, surgery
- The lasting physical disability
- The psychological impact
- Your age and sex
Whether the burns are caused by hot materials, oil, chemicals, laser burns, or are scalds from hot liquids, if the burn injury was not your fault, you may have a claim for burn injury compensation. It's important to get the right legal advice and help because of how severe the affects of a burn injury can be on an innocent victim.
Because we are expert personal injury lawyers, we're used to fighting for the rights of burn injury victims, and we know how best to represent you. We understand that the nature of your injuries may be very sensitive to you, and we view your emotional well-being as our responsibility. We are not just here to help you claim compensation for your burn injuries; we are here to help you, as best as we possibly can, to get your life back on track.
As well as access to top Plastic Surgeons for reports on the physical affects of your burn injury, we also have access to private psychologists and counsellors for additional evidence for your claim as well as to help you recover emotionally from the impact of the burn injury, if you need it.
We're here to help, and you are our priority.
Understanding help is at hand
As mentioned earlier, because of the nature of burn injury cases, they are often treated more seriously, and the awards a burn injury victim can expect are often at the top ends of the brackets. Burn injury compensation payouts can commonly be very high, and the awards are based on factors such as those outlined above. Where significant burns cover 40% or more of the boy, the awards will often exceed £75,000.
Recovering from a serious burn or scald injury takes lots of rehabilitation time and there may be a lot of losses and expenses involved. As well as compensation for the injury there is compensation for the emotional and psychological distress caused, and compensation for losses and expenses.
We can recover lost earnings for you, including any element of loss where a burn injury will prevent you from returning to, or going in to, a particular line of work. You can also recover the costs of any treatment, medication, creams, etc, and for private rehabilitation that we can normally fund for you so you don't have to pay anything upfront.
What to do next!
If you, or any family member, have been the unfortunate victim of a burn injury then get in contact with The Injury Lawyers today and we can help you win compensation for your injuries, as well as help you get your life back on track.
We work on a No Win, No Fee basis and you can call us on 0800 634 7575 or use any of our no-obligation forms on this page and receive some of the best advice available about claiming compensation for a burn injury from expert and professional injury lawyers.