Choosing a personal injury lawyer

Personal Injury Lawyers - it feels like no matter which channel you watch on the TV, newspaper you read, or radio station you listen to, you can't get away from them. The reason for this blanket advertising is that when you require the services of an injury lawyer the likelihood of your choice of lawyer being swayed by advertising instead of knowledge, experience and good service is pretty high.
In today's world of instant communication, the location of your injury lawyer is pretty irrelevant in so far as far as selecting a lawyer is concerned. With a little research on your side you can have your pick of the best injury lawyers in the country without a nagging TV ad telling you who to choose.
So how do you go about selecting the right one for you, here are 5 top tips to keeping you on the right course:
You should make sure your injury lawyer knows their stuff. This piece of advice is more important for complicated and severe injury claims. It sounds a pretty obvious point, and it's probably the least you expect from an injury lawyer, but trust me, the knowledge that injury lawyers possess varies considerably from firm to firm.
If injury lawyers don't keep updated and well informed of relevant legal developments/changes then it may affect the outcome and damages awarded in your claim.
To improve your chances of winning your injury claim and getting the maximum compensation you deserve, you should seek advice from a specialist injury lawyer with years of expert experience in handling compensation injury claims.
Think about it, do you really expect a general solicitor or a criminal lawyer to provide you with the same level of service and experience that a specialist injury lawyer can provide?
So, we've gathered that your injury lawyer really needs to know their stuff but it needs to be backed up with a decent level of service. The better level of service they provide the less chance of you feeling let down during the claim process.
Most cases nowadays are run through the Rapid Claims Settlement portal, which is an online hub that the Ministry of Justice set up for solicitors, insurers, and Defendants to communicate more efficiently.
Remember, knowledge + application = quicker compensation settlement!
Okay, so an injury lawyer may know their stuff and are on the ball doing the paperwork but next you need to ask if the are able to negotiate the best settlement for you.
With this one its best to get on the telephone and personally speak to lawyers to see which ones don't just accept standard offers but will go the extra mile and fight to get you the maximum compensation you deserve.
“We always make sure to maximise your losses and expenses claim, known as Special Damages, which covers things like lost earnings, medical expenses, and care and assistance claims. Some law firms will actively not recover such things as they see it as an extra burden on them to deal with!â€
“We think that's crazy!â€
Friendly and Approachable
An injury claim can sometimes be a long process, especially the more severe cases and you may find that you speak to your injury lawyer frequently over this period of time as the case progresses.
Therefore, it's important that their approachable and you feel comfortable with giving them a call at anytime to ask them how the case is coming along.
Some lawyers (not all) will do house or hospital visits to speak with a client or their family - its all part of the service and its a sign that they are not a claims management company or an accident referral service (who mostly advertise on TV) but REAL lawyers.
One of the worst things that you can receive from an injury lawyer is "no advice" - It's just as lousy as receiving "bad advice".
Your injury lawyer is there to help and advise, and that's exactly what they should do - if your unsure of the advice given by your injury lawyer then call them, explain what you're unsure of, make sure that the answer given is satisfactory and no doubt is left in your mind once the conversation has ended.
The Injury Lawyers are a firm of expert personal injury lawyers who have helped and advised thousands of people make compensation claims for years. They have recovered millions of pounds in compensation for deserved victims of negligence, and their expert solicitors and legal team have the experience you need to win your claim.
Get free, legal advice now!
To find out more information about making an injury claim just submit your details on any of the forms on this page or call 0800 634 7575 for professional advice.