Leg injury compensation claims

Leg injury compensation claims can cause a lot of distress and inconvenience - instructing us as specialist injury lawyers frees you from the stress and worry of making a claim.
Whilst any injury to any major limb can cause a significant amount of impairment, leg injuries can be one of the more severe. With a leg out of action it's unlikely you'll be able to work or carry out most daily activities that many people are used to taking for granted all the time.
There are many forms of leg injury and there is a lot to look at when it comes to building a case, valuing the injuries, and recovering your losses and expenses.
Leg injury claims - What you can claim compensation for!
Generally speaking, the more you suffer, the more we get for you. Leg injuries can affect different people in different ways - if you're an active person who regularly uses the gym or takes part in sport, a leg injury will likely have a higher impact on you than someone who isn't very active. We take this in to account, and all of this is assessed at a medical appointment with a suitably qualified expert at a private examination that we will arrange for you.
The value of the case can depend on:
- The severity of the pain and suffering caused
- The length and severity of any immobilisation
- The length and severity of any period of non-weight bearing
- Any permanent weaknesses or problems later on in life - such as the likelihood of arthritis developing
- Any affect the injury has both in the short and long term on your career and personal life. We can include a claim for any restrictions you now face in working abilities
- Whether you require any splints or braces for a long period of time or for the rest of your life
- Whether you require any home adaptations or equipment in the short term or long term
When it comes to losses and expenses, known as Special Damages, we can look at claiming:
- Lost earnings from time off work - both past and future
- Any loss on the open labour market due to future restrictions the leg injury may cause
- Travel expenses to and from appointments - retain taxi and bus receipts, or keep a note of journeys made to claim back the mileage
- The cost of any equipment, splints, braces, or other necessary devices
Care and assistance
Care and assistance can make up a big part of any leg injury compensation claim. You can claim back hourly rates for help provided by friends and family. Whilst I'm sure they're not actually charging you or their support and help through your hard times as an injured accident victim, you can still claim back for 'gratuitous' care and assistance. We can use guideline hourly rates to claim back amounts for their help for things such as:
- Cooking and cleaning assistance
- Shopping assistance
- Escort duties - common for appointments where you can't get to the destination safely by yourself
- Help with washing, dressing, and general personal hygiene
If you are non-weight bearing then this kind of help can prove to be absolutely essential. Make a note of any help received and we can look to claim back what is deemed as reasonable assistance from the other side.
The care and assistance element of your claim can end up being quite a large proportion of the Special Damages claim.
Private leg injury treatment - Physiotherapy
Leg injury cases will nearly always result in the victim needing some form of physiotherapy or physical rehabilitation. We understand that the NHS treatment system is not always easy to access and may not be very convenient for you.
To save you from having to wait months and months for the help you need, we can organise private medical treatment that we can sort the funding for and then recover the costs of it back from the other side as part of the compensation claim. You get the benefit of access to fast treatment without having to worry about putting the cost up for it during your time of suffering.
When we settle the case we can include the amount that was needed for the treatment as an addition to the Special Damages losses and expenses claim.
Leg injury compensation claim amounts
The claim is only valued and properly maximised by instructing an expert injury law firm to obtain and assess a specialist medico-legal report. We do use guidelines for assistance though so we can outline some of the payout brackets to be used as a very rough insight in to what your leg injury claim could be worth:
Less Serious Leg Injuries
- Simple Fractures and Soft Tissue Injuries: up to £6,500
- Simple Fracture of a Femur with No Damage to Articular Surfaces: £6,500 to £10,050
- Fractures from which an Incomplete Recovery is Made or Serious Soft Tissue Injuries: £12,850 to £19,850
Severe Leg Injuries
- Multiple fractures or severe crushing injuries, generally to a single limb: £19,850 to £28,000
- Serious compound or comminuted fractures or injuries to joints or ligaments resulting in instability, prolonged treatment, a lengthy period of non-weight-bearing: £28,000 to £39,150
- Permanent problems with mobility, the need for crutches or mobility aids for the remainder of the injured person's life; injuries where multiple fractures have taken years to heal, required extensive treatment and have led to serious deformity and limitation of movement: £39,150 to £60,400
- The Most Serious Injuries short of Amputation, such as extensive degloving of the leg, where there is gross shortening of the leg or where fractures have not united and extensive bone grafting has been undertaken: £68,750 to £96,800
What to do next!
Fill out our Call Back form for one of our expert legal team to call and assist you or if you prefer call us on 0800 634 7575 to receive professional legal advice on making a leg injury claim.