About Daybrook dental lawyers
We are a firm of expert personal injury lawyers who are specialising in Daybook Dental Practice claims following the recent discovery of poor infection control practises carried out by Desmond D'Mello or potentially over 32 years. There are 22,000 patients being recalled for advice and testing in and around the Arnold (Nottinghamshire) area - and potentially further for any former patients who have moved away.
We're a midlands based injury law firm who have been fighting for the rights of victims seeking compensation for all sorts of medical negligence and 'class action' legal cases. We're prominent in the ongoing PIP Breast Augmentation litigation which has been ongoing since 2011, and we representing a large majority of client with cases both on and off the Group Litigation proceedings.
Our experience as lawyers who only represent victims for these sorts of claims gives us a valuable advantage that helps us to fight better for the claim, fight harder for your rights, and win more in compensation for our clients.
It's likely that these cases will form in to a 'class action' or 'Group Litigation Order' style proceedings if enough people come forward to claim.
We're already working round the clock since the breaking of the Daybook Dental Practice scandal and we'll continue to do so to make sure that any victims affected by what has happened have access to expert legal advice and quality legal representation.
We're a REAL law firm
You have to be careful when looking for advice because a lot of the firms you speak to are NOT actually law firms. A lot of them are just claims management companies or accident advice services who will pass claims to lawyers for fees. You can easily get stung with charges when speaking to companies operating this way.
With us, you're coming directly to the real deal - we're an actual real law firm. That means its us that advises you and us that actually represent you for the claim.
No middlemen; no information sharing; no hassle; no fuss.
We're based right here in the midlands at the heart of the scandal and we're on hand for advice - you can call us on our free claims helpline number on :telephone_script: or start a live chat below.
The Daybook Dental Lawyers is a trading style of Your Lawyers LTD - The Injury Lawyers; a Specialist Niche Injury Law Firm 'Authorised and Regulated by the Solicitors Regulation Authority'.
Your Lawyers LTD is Registered in England and Wales with registered number 06767502. The Director of the Firm is a Solicitor of England and Wales.