Dental veneer compensation claims

Dental veneers are a common (largely cosmetic) procedure that can enhance the look of your teeth.
Dental porcelain is commonly used as the material that is fixed over the tooth to restore it to a look of its former glory, or where the patient wants a better looking tooth. But as with many types of dental procedures, dental veneers can go wrong, and you may be eligible to make a claim for dental injury compensation if you are the victim of dental negligence.
Has your dental veneer gone wrong?
There are many things that a dentist can do wrong or fail to do when it comes to a dental veneer procedure which may leave you requiring further treatment, enduring unnecessary suffering, or requiring bigger procedures due to complications caused by a dental veneer that has gone wrong.
Here are some of the common problems that may be caused by dentistry mistakes which may allow you the right to make a claim for dental injury compensation:
- Veneers too large / overhanging veneers, or too small – which can lead to problems with the bite as well as the look, and can cause problems with the jaw. This can also lead to gum infections
- Veneers shifting position or falling off because they have not been cemented in or fixed adequately (this often results in dark lines appearing on teeth)
- Gaps between the veneer and the underlying tooth surface which are a known cause of infections when bacteria gets caught in the gaps
- Removing too much of the surface of the underlying tooth which can lead to the nerve becoming enflamed or infected (which may result in requiring a root canal procedure)
- Poor materials being used, or where the colour is incorrect
- Failure to conduct proper pre-treatment medical investigations or warn of the inherent risks of where dental veneers can fail
- Poor, or lack of, follow up advice and appointments
Cosmetic dental veneers
Dental veneers are a largely cosmetic procedure and you can pay thousands of pounds to Harley Street dentists in London who claim to have worked on the teeth of the rich and the famous. Striving for that perfect smile is understandable and the cosmetic surgery industry continues to rapidly grow.
But as a firm of cosmetic surgery negligence specialist as well as dental law experts, we know all too well just how badly regulated the cosmetic dental industry is. Dental veneers are not a quick fix sort of procedure, yet they are often seen as a procedure that’s as simple as applying false nails. It’s important to understand that healthy enamel is often taken away to fit the veneers and you may end up doing more harm than good in the long term.
Unfortunately the poor regulation means that there is little in the way of qualifications for cosmetic dental procedures and we often see clear failures to warn patients of the long term risks of having dental veneers. This can leave you a victim of cosmetic dental negligence and you may be entitled to tens of thousands of pounds in compensation.
The real cost of cosmetic dental veneers
They’ll tell you that you will be so happy with your new perfect smile that you’ll believe a miracle has been performed. But if things go wrong you could end up in a significant amount of pain with a far less than satisfactory look, and needing thousands of pounds in further work doing. When you can’t eat because of the sheer pain, both your physical and mental health will suffer, and you could face a nightmare situation where you feel there is no end in sight.
But our team of expert dental injury lawyers are here to help you and we will do everything in our power to fight for your rights as a dental negligence victim. We’ll make sure that you receive compensation that reflects what you have had to go through psychically and mentally and we’ll make sure that you do not end up tens of thousands of pounds out of pocket through expensive procedures needing to be carried out. We can sort the funding of the procedures or include the cost of it in your claim.
We have and are representing thousands of victims of dental and cosmetic negligence and our team of lawyers are here to help you.
Call us on 0800 634 7575, or if you prefer why not arrange a callback from one of our team, for instant FREE advice on whether you have a dental veneer compensation claim to make!
Need one of our expert claims team to call you back about a dental injury? Then please enter your name, the telephone number you would like us to call you back on, the accident type and when you would like us to contact you in the form below.