A few days back we published a post called 5 Reasons to Hire an Experienced Lawyer, which was received rather well. So, today, we thought we would go for a different angle on the post and throw some provoking information at you as to why you shouldn’t hire an injury lawyer.
The Law isn’t Complicated …
That’s right! All you need is a large dictionary and thesaurus to figure out all the fancy words and terms they give to everyday normal words and your good to go. Understanding past cases and underhand tactics the other side may throw at you shouldn’t really be a problem.
Y’know, once they see that you haven’t hired the services of an experienced injury lawyer they’ll show you the admiration you deserve and go easy on you. Won’t they?

Evaluating Your Injury …
That car crash you were involved in recently where the other driver slammed into the back-of-your car and now you have whiplash. Where do you start to put a price tag on that? I mean how much are you really worth? How do you go about evaluating the injuries you received?
Who would you ask to find this information out?
Erm … let’s see, who is best suited to understand what my injuries are worth after suffering an accident through no fault of my own … tough one that!
Insurers Always Pay-Out …
As soon as they hear you have hurt yourself they’ll be falling over themselves to write out a cheque for you. I mean that’s what insurance companies do … isn’t it?
Insurers never try and pick your case to pieces! They won’t ever state your compensation claim is fabricated or that you have mistakenly got some of your facts wrong.
Nope, insurance companies would never do that because they always pay-out, don’t they?
No Legal Fees …
You don’t have those fees to pay for an injury lawyer because you didn’t hire one. No matter that the majority of injury lawyers run under “No Win No Fees claims” where if you win – you don’t pay or if you lose – you don’t pay.
The Injury Lawyers have the proud record of NEVER charging any of their clients who pursued a compensation claim.
There you have it then – some examples of why not hiring an Injury Lawyer is a good idea – mostly good for the other side that is. 🙂