Do you really get something for free? Is there not always a catch or a hidden cost thinly veiled behind a free offer? In the majority of cases it is always best to be careful of those ‘too-good-to-true-deals’, but when it comes to 100% Compensation Claims I’d say, ‘Do your homework!’ For those of you who may not be sure what 100% Compensation Claims are, I’ll try and get you up-to-speed quickly.

Individuals that have suffered an injury via an accident they may be thinking about claiming compensation. Some claims are straightforward, where the other person / party accepts responsibility and negligence allowing the claimant to proceed and claim damages for their injury to themselves, damage to their property, loss of earnings etc… But you still have to fund your claim in order to claim compensation for your injury and a lot of people do not have the financial clout to proceed with a compensation claim. This is where 100% Compensation Claims offered by specialist personal injury lawyers come into play.
100% Compensation Claims also known as ‘No Win No Fee Claims‘ are a special agreement drawn up between the claimant (you) and the personal injury lawyer, where the injury lawyer will fund your claim from start to finish and also the claimant (you) will receive 100% of any compensation rewarded. The personal injury lawyer who represented you, will claim their fees from the losing the side (normally, the person / party you were claiming against insurance company).
There told you, straight forward stuff. But, it gets more interesting when there is a greater risk of the claimant (you) losing the compensation claim. Understandably, when the injury lawyer is funding your claim and the risk factor is high, then the lawyer needs to make sure they can recoup their money somehow. This is when it is vitally, important to the person making the claim that they fully understand the policy that they enter into with a 100% Compensation Claim. It may feel like the person making the claim is being rewarded 100% Compensation but the finer print in the contract might state that because of the high element of risk involved then they have to pay some form of dividend if the claim is successful.
That is why at The Injury Lawyers we always make this clear and simple to all clients looking to use our services. There are no nasty surprises waiting in store for any of our clients when they choose to run a 100% Compensation Claim. It’s what makes The Injury Lawyers stand out from the crowd – our honest approach to giving our clients the best service possible. If you feel you want to speak to us more about 100% Compensation Claims then give us a call on 0800 634 7575 today and get expert free advice from real lawyers about your accident injury claim.