There are numerous types of accidents that can occur on boats and ships that can lead to a personal injury claim. For example trip and slips, food poisoning, getting on and off the ship or boat, the ship colliding with another ship or object, sporting accidents and accidents at work, for example if you work on a boat or ship.

Accidents and personal injury occurring on ships and boats can often be quite complicated. Especially if the accident occurred whilst outside of the UK. It could be that you are subjected to the law of the country in which the accident occurred. However, the accident occurred whilst on holiday if you booked through an English company you may still be able to make a claim under English law.
Another important point to remember and consider when making a claim from a personal injury that was suffered whilst on a boat or ship is, usually you have three years from the accident date to make a personal injury claim. However, when the accident or personal injury occurred on a ship or boat the limitation period is much shorter and the claim must be made within two years of the accident date. It is only in specialist circumstances that the two year limitation period does not apply. It is important to seek professional specialist advice when considering making a claim of this kind.