Depression is currently on the rise in the UK. Many of us are reported to be going to see our GP in order to report our feelings of depression than ever before. It is important not to confuse depression with feeling of being down in the dumps. We all feel that way from time to time. However, if these feelings persists for longer than 2 weeks it is important that you seek advice from your GP regarding your feelings and possible illness.

Depression can be triggered in a number of ways. For example stress at work or in family life and relationships can all trigger depression. The main cause of depression in the UK at the moment is being blamed on the economic crisis and the anxiety and money worries that this has brought with it.
Depression can be triggered at different times in a person’s life. It is often considered as an illness that women suffer from more than men. However, increasingly numbers of men are reporting suffering with the illness too. Often resulting the men attempting to take their own lives as the illness has gripped them so intensely.
Adolescents and young people are also susceptible to experiencing depression. Adolescents is a difficult time for the young adult they often have anxieties about themselves regarding their career path, body image, gender and sexual orientation as well as hormonal changes which can all lead to the onset of depression. Depression in children and young people is however, more common if they have themselves experienced a life changing event such as losing a parent or being abused as a child can all make the person more susceptible to depression.
Depression can be treated in a number of ways through medication, psychotherapy and counselling. It is often found that a combination of all the treatments often works in treating depression however it is important to remember to find a treatment or a combination of treatments that works for the individual suffering.
Another form of depression that is extremely common at this time of year is SAD Seasonal Affective Disorder. This type of depression begins in the autumn and usually lasts until the spring. It is caused by the shorter daylight hours in the autumn and winter seasons. In order to try and combat and manage this form of depression it is advised that the individual suffering gets as much sunlight as possible. In some situation people are reported to be using special light boxes as treatment for this type of depression during the winter months.
Depression is often seen as a weakness due to the stigma attached to it. However, it is important that depression is recognised as an actual illness requiring professional treatment in order to fully recover. It is considered by many particularly people who have never suffered from depression that it is something that you can ‘snap out of’ however, depression is a serious illness that can have grave consequences if not recognised and treated correctly. If you believe that you may be suffering from depression it is important that you inform someone in order that you air your thoughts and be correctly diagnosed and begin recovery.