Attacked whilst at work is becoming increasingly more common, particularly in the health care profession. 8,746 reports of violence against NHS staff were reported last year. Statistics show that NHS staff are more likely to be attacked at work than involved in a Road Traffic Collision.

Employers have a duty of care to their employees, which is confirmed in the Health and Safety at work act 1974. Employers must properly equip and train their staff to deal with the demands of the job, as well as protect them from any obvious and probable dangers and risks, that their working environment may pose. Employers must carry out a risk assessment in respect of tasks their staff are carrying out. If an employer does not correctly carry out a risk assessment, they may held liable for an accident/incident occurring to an employee whilst at work.
A survey carried out by the British Medical Association found that one in three doctors have been attacked whilst at work. Many of these attacks have gone unreported by the doctors themselves, who claim that dealing with violent attacks have become part of the job. The report also found that female doctors were more likely to be attacked than male doctors. Many confirmed the reasons behind the attacks were due to long waiting times and a refusal of medicines by the health care professional.
Attacks at work can be compensated against. Either through your employer or through the Criminal Injuries Compensation Authority, the CICA. In order to successfully claim compensation through your employer it must be proven that your employer exposed you to an obvious risk. For example, if a patient you are treating is known to have behavioural problems or has been violent in the past. If your employer has omitted to correctly inform you or provide you with the necessary training and support to cope should a situation arise, then it may be possible to hold your employer liable for your accident and the injuries you have sustained as a result.
Alternatively, you may be able to pursue a claim for compensation through the CICA, for attacks that have occurred in Great Britain (excluding Northern Ireland). All attacks should be reported to the police as soon as possible. Particularly if you are considering pursuing a claim through the CICA, who adhere to strict guidelines regarding this issue.
Attacks occurring whilst at work are on the increase it known that Paramedics in London are going to work wearing a stab vests. Whilst nurses and doctors are being kicked, punched, spat at and verbally abused. We are assured that new measures are being considered and implemented in order to combat these types of violent attacks occurring within the health care profession.