It is reported that more and more men are opting to go under the knife and have cosmetic surgery in order to obtain the look they desire. The procedures favoured by men are nose jobs and liposuction. Whilst breast augmentation and eyelid surgery as well as face lifts all remain popular treatments favoured by women.

However the credit crunch and current economic climate has taken its toll on the cosmetic surgery industry in Britain, with more and more people opting to have their desired cosmetic procedures carried out abroad, in order to get a cheaper deal. This has led to an increase in medical negligence claims. Where patients have been unhappy with the results of the surgery, aftercare or feel as though the procedure they were agreeing to wasn’t fully explained to them along with the consequences and risks that came with the procedure.
Many cosmetic surgeons have confirmed that they spend a large amount of their time with patients and operating on patients who are unhappy with an earlier surgery. It has also been recently reported that the NHS are having to foot the bill of correcting cosmetic procedures that have been carried out abroad. With many people returning home with severe injuries, sustained as a result of the cosmetic surgery that has been carried out on foreign shores.
There are currently arguments for and against whether the NHS should have to be correcting and treating such injuries, that have been sustained through, what many believe, a persons vanity. The British Association of Plastic Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery (BAPRAS) believe that the patients requesting corrective surgery as a result of a cosmetic surgery carried out abroad should have to pay for the procedures to be rectified. Unless the injuries are proven to be life threatening. The association also confirmed that corrective procedures of this type will lead to other NHS work being delayed. However the British Medical Association (BMA) believes that the patients should not be excluded from using the NHS.
Before embarking on any cosmetic procedure it is important to carry out extensive research into the procedure you are considering as well as the surgeon you are considering using. It is important to fully understand the procedure your body will be put through as well as understanding the aftercare and how long it will take you to fully recover. You must also make into account all of the possible risk and consequences involved in your desired procedure.
If you go ahead with your cosmetic surgery and the worst happens and you are not happy with the results of your surgery, or if you sustain an injury as a result of the surgery you may be able to bring a claim of medical negligence. It is important that in these circumstances you seek legal independent advice from a solicitor who is experience in dealing with these types of claims, in order, that they may provide you with the best advice possible in respect of your particular claim.