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Workplace Compensation

Fact, more accidents happen in the workplace than anywhere else, do you know that your employer has a legal responsibility to make your work area as safe and secure as possible, this includes a safe working practises, training and machinery, not only to full time staff but to anyone that enters there factory. So what happens if you have an accident at work, are you entitled to compensation?

workplace-accidentsMany employees are too scared to make a compensation claim of fears of possible “repercussions” for taking the company to court, this should not happen as every company by law should have Employers Liability Insurance, which will cover them if anyone is injured. It is also against the law for any employer to harass an employee that is making a claim against their company.

The lawyer will ask if there were any witnesses to the accident as statements will have to be taken, has this type of accident happened before, have you been trained on that piece machinery, andas back injuries are the most common have you been trained or attended a course in manual handling.

Your lawyer will explain the final details of your claim, a good thing to remember is when you are claiming the money does not come out of your bosses own pocket, he is not being punished, the compensation you receive is money due to you for the pain, hospital visits, operations, and time off work due to your injury.

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