So your driving along, minding your own business when another car comes straight for you, ploughing into your car causing serious injuries – you then find out it was driven by someone who had earlier stolen it, its just not your day! Can you make a claim for your injuries and if so, who do you claim against?

The answer to your question is yes, you can claim for your personal injury, your a victim of an accident which clearly wasn’t your fault. I hear you ask ‘surely the driver has no insurance, who do I claim against?’
Well under section 151 of the Road Traffic Act 1988, an insurance company who has provided a certificate of motor insurance for the particular vehicle in question will be liable for your injuries and any loss you have sustained as a result of the accident.
Even if the driver of the stolen car does not have a driving licence at the time he is driving the car, the insurance company who have issued the policy which covers the car will still have to deal with your claim.
The insurers have the right to recover the amount they pay out on your claim from the driver at fault for the accident.
And so if you have been injured in an accident that wasn’t your fault by a car being driven by a thief, you can claim for your injuries and other losses from any insurance company that have provided insurance for the vehicle in question. Even if the person driving is not on that policy and does not hold a full driving licence.