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Sneaky Insurers Tactics That Tempt

sneakyIf you have been unfortunate enough to have found yourself in a car accident recently, you may well have received a nice phone call from the other drivers insurers shortly after.

This call may have followed along the lines of …

“Hello, we are sorry to hear that you have recently been involved in an accident causing you an injury. On note of this, we are happy to offer you compensation of £1,000.”

Great News you may think!… Everyone could do with a few extra quid at the moment right?

But do the other Insurers really have your best interest at heart?

In reality and from our experience, the answer is unfortunately NOT! In the vast majority of injury cases £1,000 will be nowhere near what your claim is actually worth. It likely won’t take into account the extent of your injuries, time you may have been forced to take off work causing you a loss of earnings or the expense of medical treatment that may follow.

This is actually a way of your insurers saving themselves bucket loads of money each year and it’s really quite clever as many Client’s believe a £1,000 is a lot of money when in actual fact it might be peanuts compared to what your claim is worth. After all, they know that everyone is going to be tempted by such a lump sum and it can be hard not to bite their hand off there and then.

Try out our Personal Injury Calculator to see what your injury claim really might be worth!

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