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Industrial Deafness

industrial-deafnessWe all joke that the loud group of women at the end of the office will send us deaf but can your working environment really make you deaf?

Yes and it is often termed as occupational or industrial deafness.

So what is it? What causes it and what can be done to prevent it?

Industrial deafness is the deterioration of a persons hearing which is normally caused by their working environment over a prolonged period of time. Exposure to loud noise without any protection can cause the following:

  1. Full hearing loss whereby you will require the use of a hearing aid.
  2. Hearing loss which is partial – certain sounds and volumes will be difficult to hear, if at all.
  3. Conditions such as tinnitus (i.e. constant ringing in the ears).

Many people first notice that there is a problem when the begin having problems hearing voices over loud noises.

Industrial deafness can be caused by using heavy machinery such as forestry machinery and firing arms.

Can I prevent industrial deafness?

There are steps which you can take to protect your ears, including the following:

  1. Ear protectors should be used if working in a noisy environment
  2. I know our mothers always used to tell us, but they were right – don’t listen to the TV or your stereo too loudly!
  3. Don’t push foreign objects in to the ear canal

As most cases of deafness are caused in the work place; in 1989 the Noise at Work Act was implemented. The act outlines many health and safety rules which must be adhered to and failure to do so will be a breach of duty on your Employers part.

Working environments in the present day and generally much safer and claims have decreased however there are many compensation claims which are backdated as symptoms may have taken many years to develop.

If you are beginning to suffer with loss of hearing and you have worked in noisy environments in the past you may be entitled to make an injury claim.

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