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Don’t Fall into the Trap of Falling into Autumn!

safe-driving-at-nightThe clocks have all gone back and whilst we all appreciated the extra hour in bed and the nights are drawing in and it’s that first sign that Christmas is on its way; what is happening out there on our roads?

Every autumn when the clocks have been put back there is an increase in road traffic accidents, but why? We’ve all got headlights on our cars to guide the way in these early evenings and surely our driving skills have not been taken away just over night!

It is often the case that these early evenings suddenly creep up on us and we can all probably admit to jumping in the car after a long day at work and forgetting to turn on our headlights, or being caught out by those slippery leaves all over the roads! 

Here are few tips for coping with this unsuspecting weather safely:

  • Regularly, check that your lights are working. This is easily done and takes only a couple of minutes to do so there is no excuse!
  • Make sure that your headlights, break lights, indicators and windows are all clean. This is even more so important when it is dark as you need to have a clear view of the roads around you.
  • Keep a closer look out for cyclists and pedestrians as they may not be wearing visible clothing.
  • Adjust your speed and your driving to suit the conditions that you are driving in. Your vision and perception are hindered when it is dark so be sure to be extra careful.
  • Watch your breaking distance! Make sure you leave plenty of room as not only do the damp road conditions make breaking difficult but your judgment of distances is impaired in the dark.
  • Finally, make sure you leave plenty of time for your journeys.

 Now we’ve given you the tips put them into action and safe driving!

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