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Tired Tyres

tyre-safetyIn recent articles we have discussed the dangers of the turning weather as winter sets in and conditions for driving worsen.  And according to BBC reports, it’s not just the physical environment that’s taking its toll on the safety of Britons roads …

Cash strapped motorists in the credit crunch are neglecting the importance of safety when it comes to maintaining their vehicles according to BBC sources from the AA.

According to the report the AA have stated that in particular motorists are not taking the importance of tyre safety seriously enough, creating a significant safety issue that could lead to more accidents on our roads. It goes on to say that people are generally neglecting their vehicles if they deem it to be reliable enough, with an increasing number of motorists driving around with tyres so worn they are classified as illegal.

In the recession, many people are unwilling or unable to spend too much money on maintaining their vehicles, and many are concerned about being ripped off. The advice the report gives is to shop around when it comes to quotes from garages, and to check your vehicles tyres once a week if possible.

The tyre tread should have no cuts or bulges, and should be in a good condition with the depth at least 1.6mm in the centre three quarters of the tread.

If you own a vehicle you are responsible for its maintenance. If you neglect to adequately inspect and maintain your vehicle, an accident can occur and you are liable for any damages. Conversely, if you are injured as a result of a third party not adequately inspecting and maintaining their vehicle, then they are liable for your damages; and a claim for compensation can be made.

Our advice of course is to seek expert independent legal advice should you be injured as a result of another person’s negligence!

And on the previous subject of the weather worsening, the BBC has also reported of a remarkable story of the elderly lady claiming divine intervention for her narrow escape as a tree came down and collided with her vehicle.

Luckily, the lady was not seriously hurt and the tree collided with the bonnet; meaning she could have been seriously or even fatally injured if she were to have been but a few yards further down the road.

The tree came down as a result of 60mph winds, and whether or not any negligence is involved is unclear.

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