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Major M8 Motorway Crash as Driver Goes the Wrong Way

m8-motorwayThe most common personal injury cases are usually some form of road traffic accident. At the Injury Lawyers we really do take a lot of road traffic cases on daily, with the majority of the cases not being too serious in nature. Unfortunately sometimes the accidents can be rather severe…

According to BBC reports (source) a major collision on the M8 motorway in Glasgow near Junction 15 brought traffic to a standstill late yesterday night, forcing authorities to close the road throughout the night and reopen early this morning.

According to the report the accident was the result of a vehicle travelling the wrong direction down the carriageway in to oncoming traffic! Police are yet to confirm the identity of the driver and have warned motorists to expect delays on the road and have made an urgent plea for eyewitnesses.

Sadly a 65 year old gentlemen suffered fatal injuries, and many involved were “walking wounded” according to the Scottish Ambulance Service whom were at the scene in numbers, with 7 vehicles in attendance.

So what should you do if you have been involved in a road traffic accident and suffered an injury as a result? – Speak to an independent expert personal injury solicitor! No one else is more qualified to give you better advice! Look around and see who gives you the best and honest advice.

Watch out for insurers! : –

The insurers for the person at fault may offer you some quick cash (usually £1000) in settlement of your injuries. YOU SHOULD NOT TAKE IT!!! Why? – The insurer is only offering you this to get you to settle the personal injury as quick as possible. It’s more than likely you are entitled to much much more that what they offer you!

Without proper medical evidence and consultation with an expert personal injury solicitor, it’s impossible to know how much your claim is worth. Even we don’t know! We can give you guidance based on the JSB Guidelines which are used to help value claims (e.g. statistics show that for a minor whiplash the award is around £2500; with a bracket up to around £5000).

And if you settle with the insurers at such an early stage, how do they know how long you will suffer for? What if your symptoms and suffering worsen overtime (which does happen in a lot of cases of this nature) and you end up in pain for months? What if you are unable to work during this period as well? If this is the case, you will be entitled to more. But if you settle too early, you lose out; not just for your injuries, but for the lost earnings you could have recovered with an expert personal injury solicitor on your side!

This does happen – we have seen it ourselves!

Watch out for your own insurers! – the Legal Expense Insurance Scam : –

Your own insurers may contact you and tell you they can deal with your personal injury claim. So can they? More often than not…

You may have something on your policy called “legal expense insurance”. Your insurers will tell you that it covers you for personal injury claims. In fact, what they do is refer your case on to a third party solicitor; usually to the highest bidding one (yes that right, there are law firms out there who want to pay for your claim!).

Worse still, it may be referred to a claims management company; meaning you are likely to get an inexperience’s and unqualified person who will be in charge of YOUR claim.

If money has already been spent on your case by the bidding solicitor, that less money in the pot for running your claim!

Our Advice : –

Get expert advice form an independent expert personal injury solicitor – they are best placed and the most qualified to deal with your claim for personal injury.

 Remember: the choice is entirely YOURS – and no one can take this away from you!

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