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The Weather Warning

frozen-carWe’ve all been hearing lately about how global warming is affecting the world, and our seasons and climates are going to be all messed up in years to come as the earth becomes warmer.

Well despite all of this, there have been weather warnings plastered over the news! Sky news reports that ‘Britain is going to face freezing temperatures this weekend’

Not only was November reported as the wettest November ion history, but frosts throughout Britain and wintry showers have been predicted for the next days to come.

It is predicted that night time temperatures are to fall to as low as -3 degrees and its not looking much brighter for the day with highs estimated for around 3 degrees.

Not only is there going to be an outbreak of cold weather, but we will also suffer with freezing fog, so our message is to stay safe over the wintery period and be sure that you take extra care on the roads.

As the RAC have warned road users of treacherous road conditions over the weekend we thought we would through in a few pointers:

  • Be sure to store a warm coat in your car just in case you may break down
  • It’s always a good idea to put a good pair of walking boots/shoes on your car in case you do have to walk in the treacherous conditions
  • Make sure you take a good source of energy with you in case you get stranded – you never know how long you may be there – the best thing is a mars bar!
  • Remember to reduce your speed and keep a good stopping distance from the car in front.
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