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Unhappy Health Care

We all feel that we have been let down by our local health authority on some occasion whether it be the length of time you had to wait for your appointment or being told that you can’t have an appointment for ‘X’ number of weeks.

For some people they only know too well how it feels to be let down by the people whom you should be able to rely on the most.

The family of a patient under the care of Hywel Dda Health Board (Carmarthenshire Local Health Board) will be the first to tell you of their disappointment of the care provided to their severely injured son.

The young gentleman whom is only being referred to as ‘Mr B’ was left with serious brain injuries after being assaulted in July 2006. He was hospitalised for 10 months and required 24 hour nursing care.

‘Mr B’ was eventually discharged home with parents and Carmarthenshire Local Health Board confirmed that he qualified for continuing care plus speech, language, physiotherapy and occupational therapy.

However, on being discharged, the services they were informed he would receive were not sufficiently provided. Mr B’s parents had to pay for the majority of therapy out of their own retirement savings whilst at the same time they battled with the Health Board to receive the care they were entitled to.

Speech therapy was not provided at all and very little physiotherapy and occupational therapy was given.

The family made an official complaint to the public services ombudsman whom reported that the matter had not been handled correctly with many meetings not being correctly documented.

The complaint has been upheld by the health board and they have ordered that the family be refunded for the cost of the physiotherapy treatment and occupational therapy and also to be funded for the cost of the speech and language therapy. It has also been recommended that a full reassessment of Mr B’s needs takes place.

I was very disappointed to read that this family had been so let down by the authority whom you should be able to reply upon to cater for all of your needs.

Whilst no amount of money can ever resolve the pain and suffering experienced by yourself or a loved one it can help with expenses incurred such as care and rehabilitation.

If you have experience negligence at the hand of your local health authority then you may be able to make a claim against them.

You should seek independent legal advice from a specialist lawyer to ensure that you are guided in the correct direction and provided with the best service possible.

The specialist lawyers at the Injury Lawyers are always available to provide independent, no obligation advice so contact us now!

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