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Too Little Too Late!

I’m sure that most of you will now be familiar with the devastating story of 11 year old Sam Linton whom died after suffering a fatal asthma attack at School.

On 4 December 2007 Sam began to suffer with an asthma attack during school hours. Sam’s school, Offerton High School in Stockport, knew of Sam’s condition and when the attack began he was taken to sit in the School corridor with his inhaler.

After a couple of hours Sam’s condition was not improving and the school decided to call for his mother. His mother has described that he son was ‘grey’ in colour when she arrived at the school and ‘his lips were blue’.

Mr Linton took her son straight to hospital where he unfortunately passed away after a few hours after exhaustion had taken over and he was unable to breath for himself.

Today we have heard that 5 staff members have been suspended from the school following an inquest which ruled that the Schools neglect had contributed to the young boys’ death. An internal inquiry into the matter is now due to take place at the School.

It is understood that a policy was in place at the School whereby an ambulance was to be called if there was no improvement in an asthma attack after 10 minutes however none of the staff were aware of the policy. The School have advised that many changes have now been made to the School’s policies and procedures in relation to dealing with children’s medical conditions however this will be of no comfort to Mr and Mrs Linton.

Had an ambulance been called earlier then it is likely that Sam would have been ok and his mum expressed outside of the Court that to think Sam’s death could have been prevented ‘is too much to bear’.

This report will be very troubling for parents of asthma sufferers up and done the country. We send our children to school expecting them to safe and well looked after.

Is this devastating story a case that demonstrates the strict political rules surrounding modern day childcare are preventing staff members dealing with emergencies effectively or just a lack of common sense in those staff members?

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