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An Accident at Work?

Common accidents these; especially in industries such as construction, or jobs with a great deal of manual handling. But whether you’ve tripped on some plastic tie-wrapping in the warehouse, or the scaffolding at the building site was not secure when you walked over it and your legs in a cast now, we specialist injury lawyers are here to help you! So how does it work?


Its more than likely that your employers have an insurance policy in place to cover their employees in case they sustain an injury at work! Usually it’s referred to as an employers liability insurance policy – and it’s there to be used in case you ever need to claim from your boss for damages! So you should feel free to claim from it if you’ve been injured in an accident that was not your fault!

But What if I Get the Sack?

So you’re worried that your employers may give you the boot, or make things awkward at work if you claim against them… well, there’s nothing they can legally do to affect your employment in a negative way. In fact if they do, you should seek advice from ACAS or a similar body to assist you with anything like that. Although to be honest, in my experience, in the majority of cases employers are quite happy for their employees to put claims in against them! The reason is because they have insurance there for this exact reason, and they are usually happy to compensate their poor injured employee for their suffering and loss!

So Should I Claim… ?

Well yes! Why not!? You have nothing to lose, and perhaps a lot to gain! We as specialist personal injury lawyers can in most instances tell you in seconds whether we think you have a claim or not. And we operate on a no win no fee basis, and never charge you for a successful claim (not a penny!); so there’s no cost to you!

Whilst Im on the subject, I came across an article in the news today about a story that could fall under the category of a work claim. According to the BBC (source), an oil worker on the Dunlin platform in the Shetland Isles has been airlifted to hospital after suffering a serious electric shock on the rig! According to the report, the incident prompted the electricity supply to be halted to the platform and the crews on board were prepared for evacuation. A colleague whom witnessed the accident has also reportedly been taken to hospital suffering from shock; of the none-electric kind it appears.

So although the details of this story are very limited at the moment, it could potentially fall under the category of an accident at work. It could be the case that the employee was unaware that whatever he was doing could be a potential electric shock hazard to him; if he was unaware, then his employers could be found negligent in failing in their duty of care to protect the safety of all their workers!

So for some free, no obligation legal advice from the experts, give us Injury Lawyers a call and we will help you out with all the advice and representation you need!

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