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Been Injured in a Taxi Accident?

Taxi’s are a popular form of transport in today’s society, people often choose taxi’s to avoid the hustle and bustle experienced on public transport. What most people don’t expect to happen is to be caught up in a road traffic accident whilst as a passenger in a taxi. I would think that many people are shocked and frightened to be involved in an accident at all. You may wonder if there is anything you can actually after a taxi accident, if you experienced some type of loss and/or injury.

Well depending on the circumstances and your injuries, you may have a potential claim for compensation. As a passenger in a vehicle, if you didn’t contribute to the accident in any way, you are seen as an innocent party in the eyes of the law. This, in theory should make your claim for compensation fairly straight forward as their will be no argument over liability.

First things first, record all the details of the accident. Try and do this soon after the accident so that everything is still fresh in your mind. It’s always useful to have the details of any parties in the accident, at the very least you will need the vehicle registration number of the taxi but also try and take the name of the driver, the company that they work for, their driver number, and names and registrations of anyone else involved.

If your injuries are visible, such as bruising or cuts, take photographs as these can be a very reliable source of information when pursuing your claim. Also, try and attend your GP or hospital wherever possible, this will provide a record of proof of the injuries you have suffered.

When deciding to pursue your claim for compensation you will need representation from a personal injury solicitor. It is always advisable to claim with an independent law firm, as an independent firm will fight to claim the maximum compensation for you.

If you wish to discuss the matter further, don’t hesitate to call our office and one of our specialist personal injury solicitors will be happy to discuss the matter further with you.

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