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You May Have A Claim Despite What You Think

A lot of people don’t want to call Solicitors as they feel their injuries perhaps aren’t significant or worth a lot of money, when in actual fact it’s likely they are!! Hundreds of people are missing out on thousands of pounds by putting up with their injuries and just simply accepting that “these things happen”. Well, these things shouldn’t happen and you certainly shouldn’t suffer as a result.

An amazing example of this is one woman from America took out a Law Suit against McDonalds after spilling her cup of coffee onto her lap and burning herself. She wanted McDonalds to pay for her medical bills too. When McDonalds offered her $800 she said that this was crazy considering how the coffee was “unreasonably dangerous”. Amazingly, a jury awarded her $2.9 MILLION dollars!!!!! This was appealed and a judged reduced this to $640,000. As a result of this law suit, McDonalds have reduced the temperature of their coffee sold to 60-70 degrees to ensure this is of a “safer temperature”.

I am in no way saying that this ladies injury isn’t significant but just think how much this lady was awarded for a simple spill of coffee. I have spoken to people who have suffered more extensive injuries but don’t feel they should call anyone as their not sure if a claim is there. It’s free to call most reputable Independent Law Firms to see if you are entitled to compensation, so what have you got to lose?

The industry is massively increasing and the amount of things people can claim for is also growing. I mean, for example, 20 years ago you wouldn’t have thought you could make a claim for falling over a wobbly tile, you would have just thought “oh, silly me, I should have seen that”. But today with the amount of new Legislation why shouldn’t you claim if you have been injured as a result of someone else’s failure to do something?

If you fell over an uneven tile for example, regardless of how minor you think this is, if you have broken your leg and have to have 6 weeks off work that means you’re likely to be getting the minimum sick pay your entitled to which means you’re losing out on income as a result of someone else’s negligence. Surely that isn’t fair?

The Law of compensation is designed to put the victim back to their original position they were in before the inconvenience!!

So my advice to you would be to call or email an Independent Solicitors to see if you could be entitled to compensation you haven’t yet claimed for.

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