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Slip And Trips To The Extreme

There are dangers all around us and as long as we are aware of them, sometimes they can be avoided. The most common place where accidents are likely to occur is in the workplace. We all know that accidents happen from time to time but it is the duty of your employer to ensure that the hazards and accidents are kept to a minimum.

As reported on a THIRD of all accidents in the workplace, in the UK are as a result of someone slipping on something or falling over something. This often occurs when floors aren’t cleaned properly or spillages are not reported, or when obstacles are left on the floor unattended and unmarked. States that almost 11000 people suffer injury as a result of a slip or trip at work!

These accidents can easily be avoided by ensuring that work surfaces and floors are clean and clear from any obstructions such as wiring, piping or boxes.

Another third of accidents are caused by the lack of training in relation to Manual Handling. Thousands of people in the UK suffer from back strains or knee injuries because they haven’t been trained on how to carry the loads they are required to. It is crucial that employers carry out Health and Safety sessions so that they minimize the risk of accidents happening as a result of improper training.

According to the source mentioned above in relation to Manual Handling Employers:

  • Should not expect employees to carry items over long distances
  • Should not allow employees to have to twist extensively, stoop or reach upwards
  • Should not allow employees to do any strenuous pushing or pulling
  • Should not allow employees to carry anything where load movements can be unpredictable, unstable or difficult to grasp
  • Should not allow employees to carry heavy loads when it can be done by heavy goods lifting equipment where ever possible
  • Should not expect employees to work for long periods at a time, regular rests should be taken.
  • Employees should provide health and safety instruction on good lifting practice

Another serious danger in the workplace is faulty electrical equipment. Not only are employees injured by this but every year some people have even died as a result of being exposed to improper and faulty electrical systems. This is not acceptable. Employers have a duty of care to all their employees and should ensure that the environments in which they work in are safe to work in.

According to in 2009 Statistics show that 4,711,000 days of work was lost due to employees being off due to related accidents at work!

This is a phenomenal figure and clearly employers need to do much more to make sure the environments that they have their employees working in are adapted to ensure that it’s a safe environment. Obviously not many environments can be totally hazard free but as said earlier, it is the duty of the employer to ensure that they minimize these hazards.

It is the duty of the employee to ensure that they act responsibly, such as reporting any hazardous risks to another employee or to their Health and Safety Officer.

If you have suffered from an accident in the workplace you may be entitled to claim for compensation. Please contact an Independent Firm of Personal Injury Specialists, they will be able to discuss your accident with you and advise you accordingly of what’s best to do next.

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